How Do I know If I Have a Urinary Problem?

Inevitably, most people will suffer from a urinary problem at some point in their life. Urinary problems such as incontinence or BPH become much more common as we age. Problems not related to aging can be a result of injuries caused by accidents, intense physical activity, or the result of an infection. Some urinary problems are much more serious than other.  So how do you tell if your urinary problems are minor or something more serious? Take a look at your symptoms, they can give you clues about an underlying problem. The color and odor of your urine can also give you a significant amount of information.

Urinary symptoms, What do they mean?

Below is a list of common urinary symptoms. If you suffer from one or many of these symptoms, contact Dr. Daniel Kaplon in Sarasota, Florida. Dr. Kaplon will be able to analyze your symptoms and provide treatment options for your urinary problems.

  • Burning or pain with urination . This is the most common symptom of a urinary tract infection.
  • A fever can also be an indication of an infection.
  • Frequency- The frequent urge to urinate without being able to pass much urine.
  • Urgency- The sudden and urgent need to urinate.
  • Back pain, which is often felt just below the rib cage and above the waist on one or both sides.
  • Feeling like you can’t completely empty your bladder.
  • Blood in the urine (hematuria). Your urine may look red, brown, or pink. Blood in the urine may occur after intense exercise, such as running or bicycling.
  • Leaking urine, also known as urinary incontinence. This is more common with aging.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Why does urine color and odor fluctuate and what does it mean?

Many things can affect urine color, including fluid balance, diet, medicines, and diseases. How dark or light the color is tells you how much water is in it. Vitamins and supplements such as Vitamin B, can turn urine bright yellow. Some foods such as blackberries, beets or rhubarb, can turn urine red-brown. Having blood in your urine can also make it appear red-brown, so it’s important to observe and take note of these subtle signs and symptoms.

Some foods (such as asparagus), vitamins, and antibiotics (such as penicillin) can cause urine to have a different odor. A sweet, fruity odor may be caused by uncontrolled diabetes. A urinary tract infection (UTI) can cause a bad odor.

When you only have one symptom or if your symptoms are vague, it can be harder to figure out what the problem is. If you are slightly dehydrated, your urine will be more concentrated, and urinating may cause discomfort. Drink more fluids—enough to keep your urine light yellow or clear like water—to help decrease discomfort.

Treatment for Urinary Problems in Sarasota, FL

If you suffer from any of the urinary symptoms above contact Dr. Daniel Kaplon in Sarasota, FL by calling 941-917-8488.  For more information about urinary problems, view our health library. Urinary problems can also be caused by more serious conditions such as kidney stones, BPH, or Prostate Cancer.